I came to art later in life. Well, later than some.

Besides some photography classes back in my undergrad years, I received no formal training in art, and I always saw myself as non-artistic. Funny how things change. A few years ago my family was living in Paris, a short walk from the Centre Pompidou, and I was just drawn to it. I spent an afternoon walking the upper floors, soaking in the contemporary art, and something just clicked. From then on I started devouring books on abstract and contemporary art, taking classes both online and in person, and, most importantly, painting.

My own personal style is evolving dynamically and organically, but there are a few things that seem to be through lines. I’m drawn to the interplay between structure and chaos, hard edged lines and dynamically applied spray paint, and unusual color combinations and juxtapositions. Some of my works are reminiscent of the op art tradition, while others are much harder to categorize, but they’re always nonrepresentational. In much the same way that I find enchantment in complex mathematical formulas and patterns, so too do I find an ineffable beauty in complex artistic compositions.

Up until a few years ago I never thought I’d say this, but creating art is definitely a passion. Stephen King once said that he had so many ideas bouncing around in his head that he used to get migraines if he didn’t write. I need to paint. I need to create. I need to express my ideas.

Right now the ideas in my head meet at the intersection of geometry, patterns, and color. A week or a month or a year from now, well, we’ll see…. And I hope you come along for the ride.